Let’s get acquainted

Hi, friend! I’m Lexi.

I’m a 4th-gen tarot reader, pop culture tarot spread enthusiast, and former summer camp counselor (certified as cool by a bunch of 8-10 year olds), with the latter accomplishment (obviously) being the most important title out of them all.

My intuitive practice has taken a whirlwind of forms over the years (as I believe it should), and there have been only two constants: tarot, and change. When I read, these are the only two things I expect to see on the table. Any other expectation is left at the door — I only ask that you do the same.

“A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.”
- Lao Tzu

The Cards & I

After asking throughout the year prior, I received my first psychic reading with parental permission for my 15th birthday as a gift from my mother. To say that it reverberated somewhere deeply within me would be an understatement, but this is the best my words can do to describe an experience such as this. What a wonderful gift it was to be given ⁠— the gift of compassion, of understanding, of someone who was able to repeat back to me things I knew to be true about myself but did not know how to verbalize.

I was hooked. Despite card readings and weighty astrology books being a part of my household since my early adolescence, it ultimately was of my own interest, love, and volition that I took up tarot in my teenage years. I was fortunate enough to grow up coming from a line of tarot lovers, astrology enthusiasts, and wonderfully intuitive women that supported me in one way or another — whether through the gift of a card deck, knowledge, or their time — throughout my journey.

I officially opened Lightwands Tarot in May 2016 to read for the public and have delivered hundreds of readings since.

Light. (Clarity)

Reading cards to illuminate, reflect, and mirror what is known at an intuitive level. In my delivery of the messages of the cards, I seek truth and honesty. I will never just tell you what you want to hear, but what is necessary for you to hear.

Wands. (Change)

Reading cards with the passion, tenacity, and strength that is exemplified in the suit of Wands. I seek to help clients find tangible, do-able solutions, act creatively, and make self-empowered changes.