listings are changing.


A complete overhaul of Lightwands’ reading listings has not occurred for a few years, even as some new ones floated through in exchange for others. As I grow as a reader and professional practitioner, I am always so heartened and encouraged by the enthusiasm and interest I receive in how I expand and experiment with my reading offerings, and am truly so grateful that this community trusts my creativity.

In exchange for this trust, I will always do my best to be forthcoming and transparent about major shifts such as these in case clients would like to book a particular reading before it goes.

these changes will take place on october 2nd, 2024.

This means one more restock cycle (9/20) of the old listings will occur prior to these changes taking place.

what to expect

being heavily altered:

These readings will contain the same core themes and principles but given a different spread or set of options.

  • Rapid Fire

  • Fortune Cookie

  • Mirror, Mirror

  • Spiritual Soul Surfing

  • Jawbreaker

  • Diviner Dive

  • Dissecting a Situation

  • Check-Up

  • 24-Hr Emergency Reading

being removed:

These readings will no longer exist to make room for new concepts.

  • Spirit Guide

  • Spiritual Gifts

  • The Nudge

  • Mini-Cupid

  • Cross of Closure


These readings are staying either virtually untouched or unchanged.

  • Full-Sized Relationship Spread

  • Storybook Session

  • Synonym

  • Two Path

  • New Spark

  • Diviner Dive