Shop notice

Beginning in May 2023, prices on (almost) all reading listings are being bumped up. Some listings will be retired and replaced with new listings.

Usually when prices change it’s because a listing is taking me more or less time than I originally anticipated that it would. This, on the other hand, is a broad-scale change.

As a reader, I do my best to honestly evaluate my skills and experience level (which ideally grow every year) and scale prices appropriately to that while maintaining a fair rate, and May marks another Lightwands anniversary (7 years, wootwoot). Listings that are confirmed to be changing below (price changes will be similar to this):

Diviner Dive $45$50

The Nudge $22.22$25.25

Cupid’s Arrow $40$45

Checkup $40$45

If you would like to book a reading with the current prices, I highly encourage you to do so before May 1st. As always, I thank you for being a part of my journey either way.