9 Best Beginners’ Tarot Cards (Ideal Starter Tarot Decks)

Assuming that the world of tarot has already piqued your interest (how couldn't it, right?), your first stop to becoming a world-class tarot reader yourself will be picking up some tarot cards of your own.

And thus comes the dilemma of choosing the "right tarot deck." As if learning tarot wasn't already daunting enough, the realm of modern decks is incredibly populated now with anything from indie to mass-market decks.

The matter of ideal decks for beginners has been asked to me a thousand times over by overwhelmed beginners. Here's my guide on where to start.

Can I Buy my First Tarot Deck?

Thanks to a popular myth that you shouldn't buy your first tarot deck, this is also one of the first questions I'll receive from concerned beginning readers.

To rip off the bandaid: yes, you can buy your own deck. Tarot readers in the modern tarot community will mostly unanimously dismiss the idea that you have to wait for a deck to be gifted to you, despite the pervasiveness of this myth.

Of course, if you want your first deck to be a gift, by all means, go ahead. The point is that your tarot experience should be your own, period.

How Do I Know What the Right Deck is for Me?

Here's the thing — would I personally recommend that you launch right into the Thoth tarot deck on your first go if you're overwhelmed easily and got no footing in the world of occult symbolism? Probably not. But here's the other thing — you know yourself better than me (and also I'm not the boss of you).

My main piece of advice when choosing your starter tarot card deck is just to know what you're getting yourself into. Is the deck Marseille-based, or is it a Rider Waite deck? Is it going to require its own guidebook, or is it a traditional deck that has a lot of universal assigned meanings? (Or, of course, is it the Thoth tarot deck — a system of its own)?

The "best tarot card decks" will be the ones that resonate with you personally, and that are actually going to help you discern what personal guidance is being offered.

9 Best Tarot Decks I Recommend to Beginners

With all of this in mind, here are my personal recommendations on card decks for beginners that I've found to be good fits (not in any particular order).

1. Rider Waite Smith Deck

You won't get very far in your tarot deck search without stumbling upon Rider Waite Smith in some shape or form.

In 1909, A. E Waite commissioned the deck for artist Pamela Colman Smith to illustrate, and the deck was eventually published by the Rider Company — hence, Rider-Waite-Smith.

I like to credit the RWS deck mostly to Smith for its now widespread popularity. Although it is her innovative expressions and personality that you can see shine through the imagery (especially in the court cards), Waite is the one who typically receives a lot of the credit.

The tarot deck may or may not appeal to you now, but there's no doubt that it's a major influence on the world of tarot as a whole, and changed the game for how our modern and traditional decks look and feel now.

2. Morgan Greer Tarot Deck

Morgan Greer is just one of many Rider Waite Smith influenced decks, featuring bold colors and expressive figures.

It has that distinct 70's feel and has become one of the classic decks in its own right, beloved for its androgynous figures and borderless look. In many ways it achieves a traditional style with a hint of eccentric, modern flair.

Close-up depictions of each figure gives it an intimate feel, expanding upon the personalities you could see shine through in Smith's art.

3. True Heart Intuitive Tarot Deck

The True Heart Intuitive Tarot is a modern addition to the collection, sporting a soft color palette, diverse characters, and fresh takes on old archetypes (with respect to the original).

Of my favorite decks for beginners, this recommendation always tends to hit the top of my list. It comes with an incredibly detailed guidebook that also features anecdotes from Rachel True herself.

This grounds the deck and guidebook into tarot meanings that anyone can understand, and also adds just enough new stuff for more seasoned readers to take away from.

(Read my full review on this deck here).

4. Modern Witch Tarot Deck

Like the True Heart Intuitive Tarot, the Modern Witch Tarot deck is a freshly modern take on familiar archetypes.

This particular set of tarot cards is more obviously faithful to Rider Waite Smith's roots, with direct imagery parallels that instead feature Lisa Sterl's vibrant, youthful, and diverse cast.

If you want to see yourself and your friends in a deck, the Modern Witch Tarot is a great bet — stylish clothes and all.

5. Numinous Tarot Deck

Independently created by "Cedar McCloud, a queer, disabled artist living in Southern California," the Numinous Tarot deck is a delightful take that strips tarot cards down to their core and reimagines them in an innovative, exciting way.

Like some other decks who reinvent the four suits, the Numinous Tarot deck's Minor Arcana are not the standard Cups, Wands, Swords, and Pentacles. Instead, you'll see Vials, Candles, Bells, and Tomes. The Major Arcana are just as inventive, and every change is intentional and engaging.

I wouldn't normally recommend card decks for beginners that so blatantly shift from the Smith-Waite norm (mostly because it makes looking for tarot resources a little harder), but McCloud's take on tarot cards also brings us explicitly gender-neutral characters, thoughtful court card roles, and one of the more truly diverse casts you'll see in your tarot card decks.

6. Prisma Visions Tarot Deck

The Prisma Visions Tarot deck by James R. Eads boasts the gorgeous, mysterious Eads artwork style, also specifically designed with storytelling in mind.

Tarot isn't just a set of random tarot card meanings without purpose — it's also a narrative. The Prisma Visions Tarot gets this, and makes linking the pieces together extremely accessible for beginners.

Line up the Minor Arcana cards and you'll notice a coherent scene playing out before your eyes. (Plus, it's just a stunner, with sturdy, high-quality cardstock to boot).

7. Wild Unknown Tarot Deck

Despite its simplicity, the Wild Unknown has become somewhat of an essential mention.

I typically don't recommend the deck to beginning readers unless animal symbolism really helps you sink your teeth into your tarot readings, as it, too, embodies a bit of its own system, but beginners everywhere have sworn by it to me.

Also, I've been informed that there's a cute mini deck version for those who prefer pocket decks (or have small hands like me).

8. Wayward Dark Tarot Deck

This wouldn't be a very good list without at least one Thoth-based recommendation, right?

In this regard, the Wayward Dark Tarot would launch to the top of my list. This deck takes the best parts of delightfully rich symbolism you'd get from Thoth, "...mirrored and modified into a cthonic afterlife evoking the beautiful and the macabre."

It also features a nifty reference guide that you can see with or without purchasing.

9. Fountain Tarot Deck

The Fountain Tarot ticks off every single box I would look for in recommending the deck for beginners: beautiful and accessible artwork, a thoughtful guidebook, and an original but respectful approach to tarot.

It features "79 silver-gilded cards with photographic reproductions of original Jonathan Saiz oil paintings," with sturdy cardstock that I can attest has lasted me years.

If this art style is more of your jam, you can purchase peacefully knowing there's no hidden drawback or catch to this deck! It's just great all around.

What Next?

When it comes to the best tarot card decks for beginners, opinions will, and always should, vary.

Whether you're reading tarot with playing cards or launched straight into a modern retelling of the classic deck, there's not really a "wrong way" to go about choosing the best tarot decks for you.

The tarot cards that resonate with you and help you blossom into the best tarot reader you can be, endlessly helping you pull from your inner wisdom — these are really the ones that you want to snag. (Basically, feel free to ignore me and my recommendations).

A rewarding tarot journey is one that draws from your self-awareness and embraces your unique flair, and choosing a deck should be no different.



Your Beginner's Guide to Learning Tarot


Where to Buy Tarot Decks (And Shop Indie, Small Businesses)